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Five new Mentally Healthy Partners on board!
Posted 15 Oct 2022

We’re excited to highlight five new partners who have signed on to our Act Belong Commit campaign. We look forward to working with these fantastic organisations to enable mentally healthy communities.
Northam Army Camp Heritage Association (NACHA)
NACHA promotes the history of the Northam Army Camp and shares the military, P.O.W and migrant experiences associated with the camp.
A Capella West
A Cappella West is a female vocal harmony chorus which sings in the barbershop style, involving four-part harmony singing without backing music or instruments.
Family Access Services
The Family Access Services team combines empathetic and inclusive support for families, with a structured process that allows for a safe and consistent experience. They constantly seek ways to innovate and tailor services to ensure that a client’s location or complex needs aren’t a barrier to accessing support.
Better Balance for Life
Better Balance for Life provides a results-based program which aims to help seniors to increase their quality of life through regaining and maintaining balance and strength.
Perth Hills Wellbeing Alliance (PHWA)
The Perth Hills Wellbeing Alliance (PHWA) is a grass roots alliance formed by local community members who are passionate about promoting positive mental health. PHWA is fully supported by the WA Primary Health Alliance and based on the European Alliance Against Depression framework. This community driven model is based on the world’s best practise for the care of people with depression and in the prevention of suicide.
Check out our full list of Partners here.