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31 Ideas to Motivate You to Get Active This August

Posted 26 Jul 2019

Being active keeps us alert, energetic and in touch with others.

And there is substantial evidence that people with higher levels of activity have a greater sense of wellbeing - link will open in a new window and mental health. After all, these are the basic building blocks for good mental health.

Active August is dedicated to keeping active for your mental health and wellbeing in as many ways as you can- physically, socially, mentally, culturally and spiritually.

To inspire and motivate you, here are 31 ways you can get active this August, from the small to the more challenging! You can also download your very own Active August calendar to inspire and motivate you throughout the month.

  1. Get Active this August! Check out the Act-Belong-Commit Activity Finder for ways you can keep active for your mental health
  2. At every chance you get, take the stairs instead of using the lift or escalator
  3. Plan an active outing with mates, such as a bush walk, horse or bike ride or a paddle
  4. Act green and do some gardening
  5. Aim to be more mindful. Slow down and take the day moment by moment
  6. Catch up with a friend for a walk
  7. Nurture your spiritual side by meditating, praying, doing some yoga or Tai chi – whatever works for you
  8. Try a new recipe from a different culture – Moroccan, Indian, Vietnamese, French … check out Pinterest for inspiration!
  9. Reflect on 3 things you are grateful for today
  10. Reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in a while
  11. Turn up the music, sing and dance
  12. Get Active this August by trying something new or doing something you have never done before
  13. Head to the park to kick the ball with your kids, loved ones or mates
  14. Enrol in a course, register for a class, or join a club or a group. Here are some places to check out!
  15. Take regular breaks today, even if it’s for 10 minutes. You will feel so much more refreshed!
  16. Treat yourself (and your housemates if you have some) to a healthy home cooked meal
  17. Get creative. Paint, draw, take photos or colour-in – here are some colouring templates - link will open in a new window to get you in the mood!
  18. Arrange a pot luck lunch at work where everyone brings in a dish representing their culture
  19. Find 30 today. Walk, run, swim, dance
  20. Watch something educational. Check out - link will open in a new window for educational talks from around the world
  21. Make someone breakfast in bed
  22. Share your knowledge of something with a friend, family member, neighbour, colleague or community member
  23. Hit up an exercise class with a friend
  24. Unplug 2 hours before bedtime and get a good night’s sleep
  25. Treat yo’ self! It could be in the form of a nourishing meal, going to the movies, booking in for a massage, or hitting the shops for some retail therapy
  26. Reconnect with nature – spend time outdoors soaking up the fresh air
  27. Make someone a handmade card or write someone a handwritten note
  28. Spend time with someone over 60 or under the age of 6 to get a different perspective
  29. Acknowledge people you walk past with a friendly smile or hello
  30. Offer to take your neighbour’s dog for a walk
  31. Reflect on how you can keep active for your mental health throughout the rest of the year! Download the Act-Belong-Commit Weekly Planner - link will open in a new window to help you plan and keep track your activity levels.

 Download your Active August Calendar now! - link will open in a new window

Active August 2019